Desjardins Sustainable - Responsible Investment Small Cap Funds

Seize opportunity

New Responsible Investment small cap funds

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We’ve combined our leadership in Responsible Investment (RI) with the experience of our top Portfolio Managers to bring two unique small cap funds to market:

Selecting small companies. Seeking big advantage.

  • Small cap growth potential

    Unlike industry giants, smaller companies offer greater growth potential and tend to outperform larger companies in the long run.
  • Specialized security selection

    Our Portfolio Managers are specialists in identifying game-changing small companies that can transform an industry with innovative products or services.
  • RI Leadership

    As pioneers in Responsible Investment, we partner with Portfolio Managers who are proficient in integrating ESG criteria into their security selection.

Small cap considerations

Hidden potential

  • Unlike blue chips, the true long-term potential of smaller companies is less obvious and often requires specialized identification and analysis .


  • The innovations that smaller companies develop take time to reach their full potential.

Patience is golden

  • Smaller companies will experience above average volatility until they reach a point of stability.

Small cap benefits

The small cap effect

  • Smaller companies tend to have superior long-term growth and return potential.

Portfolio diversification

  • U.S. and international securities offer broad geographic exposure, and small caps may offset mid and large cap portfolio concentration risk.

Responsible Investment

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  1. The Desjardins Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently, and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The Desjardins Funds are offered by registered dealers.